find available meeting slots
2022年5月1日小于 1 分钟
find available meeting slots
[start, end]
is a time interval, with all integers from 0 to 24.
Given schedules for all team members,
[[13,15], [11,12], [10,13]], //schedule for member 1
[[8, 9]], // schedule for member 2
[[13, 18]] // schedule for member 3
You need to create a function findMeetingSlots()
to return the time slots available for all the members to have a meeting.
For the input above, below slots should be returned
- the input schedule intervals might be unsorted
- one member's schedule might have overlapping intervals.
// type Interval = [number, number]
* @param {Interval[][]} schedules
* @return {Interval[]}
function findMeetingSlots(schedules) {
// your code here