create LazyMan()
2022年5月1日小于 1 分钟
create LazyMan()
is very lazy, he only eats and sleeps.
LazyMan(name: string, logFn: (log: string) => void)
would output a message, the passed logFn
is used.
LazyMan('Jack', console.log)
// Hi, I'm Jack.
He can eat(food: string)
LazyMan('Jack', console.log).eat('banana').eat('apple')
// Hi, I'm Jack.
// Eat banana.
// Eat Apple.
He also sleep(time: number)
, time is based on seconds.
LazyMan('Jack', console.log).eat('banana').sleep(10).eat('apple').sleep(1)
// Hi, I'm Jack.
// Eat banana.
// (after 10 seconds)
// Wake up after 10 seconds.
// Eat Apple.
// (after 1 second)
// Wake up after 1 second.
He can sleepFirst(time: number)
, which has the highest priority among all tasks, no matter what the order is.
LazyMan('Jack', console.log).eat('banana').sleepFirst(10).eat('apple').sleep(1)
// (after 10 seconds)
// Wake up after 10 seconds.
// Hi, I'm Jack.
// Eat banana
// Eat apple
// (after 1 second)
// Wake up after 1 second.
Please create such LazyMan()
// interface Laziness {
// sleep: (time: number) => Laziness
// sleepFirst: (time: number) => Laziness
// eat: (food: string) => Laziness
// }
* @param {string} name
* @param {(log: string) => void} logFn
* @returns {Laziness}
function LazyMan(name, logFn) {
// your code here