create a middleware system
2022年5月1日小于 1 分钟
create a middleware system
Have you ever used Express Middleware before?
Middleware functions are functions with fixed interface that could be chained up like following two functions.
app.use('/user/:id', function (req, res, next) {
}, function (req, res, next) {
next(new Error('sth wrong'))
You are asked to create simplified Middleware system:
type Request = object
type NextFunc = (error?: any) => void
type MiddlewareFunc =
(req: Request, next: NextFunc) => void
type ErrorHandler =
(error: Error, req: Request, next: NextFunc) => void
class Middleware {
use(func: MiddlewareFunc | ErrorHandler) {
// do any async operations
// call next() to trigger next function
start(req: Request) {
// trigger all functions with a req object
Now we can do something similar with Express
const middleware = new Middleware()
middleware.use((req, next) => {
req.a = 1
middleware.use((req, next) => {
req.b = 2
middleware.use((req, next) => {
// {a: 1, b: 2}
Notice that use()
could also accept an ErrorHandler which has 3 arguments. The error handler is triggered if next()
is called with an extra argument or uncaught error happens, like following.
const middleware = new Middleware()
// throw an error at first function
middleware.use((req, next) => {
req.a = 1
throw new Error('sth wrong')
// or `next(new Error('sth wrong'))`
// since error occurs, this is skipped
middleware.use((req, next) => {
req.b = 2
// since error occurs, this is skipped
middleware.use((req, next) => {
// since error occurs, this is called
middleware.use((error, req, next) => {
// Error: sth wrong
// {a: 1}
class Middleware {
* @param {MiddlewareFunc} func
use(func) {
* @param {Request} req
start(req) {