US-FE Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Asynchrony: Now & Later
- A Program In Chunks
- Event Loop
- Parallel Threading
- Concurrency
- Jobs
- Statement Ordering
- Chapter 2: Callbacks
- Continuations
- Sequential Brain
- Trust Issues
- Trying To Save Callbacks
- Chapter 3: Promises
- What is a Promise?
- Thenable Duck-Typing
- Promise Trust
- Chain Flow
- Error Handling
- Promise Patterns
- Promise API Recap
- Promise Limitations
- Chapter 4: Generators
- Breaking Run-to-completion
- Generator'ing Values
- Iterating Generators Asynchronously
- Generators + Promises
- Generator Delegation
- Generator Concurrency
- Thunks
- Pre-ES6 Generators
- Chapter 5: Program Performance
- Chapter 6: Benchmarking & Tuning
- Benchmarking
- Context Is King
- Writing Good Tests
- Microperformance
- Tail Call Optimization (TCO)
- Appendix A: asynquence Library
- Appendix B: Advanced Async Patterns
- Appendix C: Acknowledgments